Monday, January 29, 2007

Relating to Popular Culture

When asked to select an image, describing popular culture, you must first find out the definition of popular culture. Many definitions can be found, but it is all a matter of opinion, of who you relate to, a fad you go through. If I was asked to choose an image that describes popular culture, I would choose a photo taken of Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio in Paramount's Titanic. Almost everyone can relate to the love story of Jack and Rose, and everyone knows the real tragedy of the Titanic decades before the film. In my opinion, this photo is a symbol of a bright, young love ready to embrace the future with arms wide open, only to be cut abruptly short by the cold, cruel ways of life. This picture and all pictures are created in hopes of drawing people in, so they can relate, in some way, they feel as if they are Jack or Rose, or even Superman, and they welcome what they are being handed, all because they can relate.

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