Wednesday, April 25, 2007


David Brooks wrote an article about the presidential election and how it's divided into the red state and blue state. The red state seems to embrace spriritual religiosity, a small town version of communal conformity, social populism, and puritanism, whereas the blue states tend to be more secular, anti-puritan, and commercially oriented. Of course, most people in the red states can exeplify blue state traits, vice versa. Americans are basically becoming divided, and Brooks wanted to figure out which state Americans fir into. He uses examples such as stores that we have more of in the blue states and red states. i believe that the red and blue states still exist. We live our lives by migrating through the many different cliques associted with the activities we enjoy and the goals we have set for ourselves. We choose which set of standards to live by, and when. I believe the gap is only going to grow in the future.

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