Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Post Blog # 14- Choosing a passage or idea

The passage I chose to do that interests me made me realize what was interested about it, and learn new things I never heard of. When reading that passage, I discovered new things I never knew before, found it was appealing, was interested, and of course real fact. The reading itself appears to present factual things that I did not know of and it may follow in the next paragraph explaining what I found interested about this specific reading, and which passage or idea i chose to do.
The passage I decided to present that I found interesting was found in the beginning of section three (3), on page 197 to the top of page 198. The passage starts off with "The two science fiction phenomena- Star Trek and Star Wars- appear to have the same basic creative foundations: both were designed to speak to Americans in need of social and moral guidance........This trend is not unique to Star Wars, but marks "the stirrings of a postmodern pastiche influence that has increasingly characterized our science fiction films." (Paragraph Two on pg 197 all the way to the very top of 198). The reason I found this reading (passage) interesting because I found out some wonderful facts that I never knew or heard of. I found out that I never knew that Star Wars and Star Trek both were designed to speak to Americans in need of social and moral gudiance. It is interesting that these two movies tend to appear to have the same basic creative foundations. They are of course many differences between these moives. That fact that Star Trek had been screened on television and film for 35 yrs is a long time, and Star Wars had been restricted and the fact it has many epidoses that are made as movies. Star Trek's series are able to change American own popular taste. On the other hand, Star Wars relies more on ancient myth and how American problems are being linked to today's society. They also show great themes that I never thought of. It is interesting what I read because now I know it, and had analyze it, the fact I did not know before.
The two of them also have similarties, for which they both had take history and myth, then transformed them into a new package. They both show post-modern(ism) in that there are many different versions to watch and they both make fun of things in the past (the movie's perpsective change). The movies , Star Trek and Star Wars, both look back at the past to make us (the viewers) learn about the present. Fredric Jameson said a quote that he believe we are unable to focus on one's own present, and instead still think about the past. Myths and history change, such as when viewing Star Wars and Star Trek own versions; postmodernism occurs as a result. What I also found interesting was when the passage mentions "Star Trek is romantcizing about a history that has scientific and historical grounding in reality." That statement is interested. The fact that postmodern occurs, and how Star Wars and Star Trek shows it is characterizing our science fiction films, and how it is occuring in the two movies/episodes.
When I read this specific passage/idea, I found many interesting things between Star Wars and Star Trek that I had not knew/heard of. Now I have some idea about how these two ficitonal films/myths are still "presented" in today's society, in addition, how they are still being shown, the fact they there are many different versions and episode of them.

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