Saturday, March 24, 2007

The SimpSons BLog PosT # 11

The Simpsons by Carl Matheson is a comedy in which he concentrates on in deep transformation. Carl focuses on Quotation which many of today's comedies essentially depned on the device for referring to or quoting other works of popular culture. He also focuses on hyper-ironic which is the flavor of humor offered by todays comedies, based on a shared sense of humanity. The website dislpays a lot of hyper-ironic style that Matheson contributes to the show. When you click on the characters, they all have funny message boards. There's also a man hiding in the closet with kiss marks all over his face, who puts a sign "do not disturb" on the door. Each and every page displays it's own sense of hyper-ironic, and it makes the site just so much more interesting. Many of today's viewers of the comedy won't fully understand much of what goes on in The Simpsons due to an unfamiliarity with the popular culture that forms the basis for the show's references. The simpsons is nothing more than a slightly off-base family comedy populated with characters who are neither very bright nor very interesting in some opinions.

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