Tuesday, February 6, 2007

American Popular Culture Picture

When ask to pick a picture that shows American Popular Culture, it shows how it effect the world and how it is a trend in the society. For what I chosen, I believe that these show culture around the world.. They may be amny things that show popular culture, but for what I chose were: The Beatles, Beach Boys, and Carrie Underwood. Here, enclosed, are the websites for each picture: http://marcmercurio.com/My%20Webs/beatles%20b&w%202.jpg, http://www.oldie95.de/frameset/images/container/1114174115Beach%20Boys.jpg, and http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/images/carrie-underwood.jpg. For all these websites, I believe Rock from The Beatles and Beach Boys had grown double over the past 30 yrs... and for Carrie Underwood, the 5th Finalist on "American Idol," country's is getting better... Ever since she was in American Idol, country been popular, but however, I feel that it had grown more, and her cds became number one for weeks. Her cd was great and I own one of them. She won the Best Female Vocalist of the Year ( from the Golden Globes I think).

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