Thursday, February 22, 2007

the sentences

-You might ask, "well what is this ad for? Make up, cars, or a tanning salon."

-Although there are many things to see on this great American highway, I would Like to foucs on one, The ads. South of the boarder ads in particular.

-The encore tc is a very innovative gun. Which is mostly advertised on the outdor channel 407.

-in their advertisement, Busch isnt trying to sell beer. their not talking about how great the beer tastes either. they are supporting the United States Soldirs and letting their customers and the world know that.

-This ad is trying to say women can do anything. They can even put make up on while driving.

-The Melting Moms ad, "Infect Truth" anit smoking campaign, shows mothers that smoke while pregnant.

-The producers of this ad thought that howing a pretty woman in a convertible car could show American culture. It shows that our culture would doanything for a glamorous life and a nice body. Even if it means killing yourself by smoking.


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