Monday, February 26, 2007

Sign's Of Advertising Blog 5

"Then open a copy of vogue. It is essentially a catalogue, where scarcely a page is without a ad. Indeed, advertisers themselves call this plethora of advertising "clutter" that they must creatively "cut through" each time they design a new ad campaign. The ubiquity of advertising in our lives points in a society in which people are constantly pushed to buy, as opposed to economies like Japan's that emphasize constant increases in production". (Signs of Life. James Twitchell. The signs of advertising. 147.) This idea of Mr. Twichell's is very interesting. He explains how we are forced to see and read these advertisements, just by flipping through a magazine. I think this is a really important key to the reading because he tells us how easy it i for advertisers to notice them and be attracted to their product.

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