Thursday, February 22, 2007


-The melting moms ad by the "infect truth" Anti smoking campain shows mothers who smoke while they are pregnant.

-You may ask whether this ad is for makeup, cars, or a tanning salon.

-There are many things to see on this great American highway,
but I would like to focus on the ads.

- Encore Tv is a very innovative gun. It is mostly advertised on the outdoor channel (407).

-In the advertisement, Busch is not trying to sell beer or talk about how good the beer tastes. He is supporting the United States soldiers and letting the customers know that.

-This ad is trying to say that women can do anything; they can even put make-up on while driving.

-The people who designed this ad thought showing a women who was pretty, young, and tan was a good idea. The ad also shows her in a convertible car with the top down and her hair blowing in the wind. This ad represents glamour. Our culture would do anything to have the glamourous lifstyle and body; even if that means smoking.

Sentences by Dianne Osorio, Andrea Garzon, Krystle Kenyon and Nicole Jensen

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